ENC1102.1729 Assignments
9/3 - 9/14/01 (Weeks 3-4)

Assignments will be updated at needs/speed of the class; you will be notified of updates by e-mail, and are responsible for checking the page after notification.
Reading quizzes can and will occur at any time during the course. Listserv assignments/topics will be e-mailed as necessary.
»»WEEK 3 (9/3 - 9/7/01)
»»WEEK 4 (9/10 - 9/14/01) -- begin reading ahead the following items (but be sure not to spoil the endings for others in class in listserv postings!): Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery", packet pp. 155-159 (ignore the "Questions On..." and "Suggestions for..." part on 159); Ursula K. leGuin's short story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas," packet pp. 161-163; and the poetry selections I'll have available for you online (I'll e-mail you all the URL). These are the fictional works you'll have to select from for Paper 1 (assignment URL will be mailed to you a.s.a.p.).
Schedule for Weeks 5-6
ENC 1102.1729 Mainpage