Pick one of the options below, and compose an 6-7 page paper (I will accept up to 10 pages) in response to that topic. The paper should be typed/computer printed, font no bigger than 12-point Times or Palatino font, with 1" margins all around, double-spaced, on one side of the page, with pages numbered at upper-right after the first page. Citation of the literature should appear in MLA style. You may use outside sources, but I do not require you to -- if you do use outside sources, cite them in MLA style and include a works cited page in MLA format. Please use a cover sheet, including your name, paper title, and the course # and setion #.
reality of Black life vs. White representations of it (how the literature shows that White views of Blacks and Black life don't synch up with the reality of Blackness or Black life, but still dictate popular notions of Blackness and Black life)
the intersection of race, class, and sex (people often over-simply think "oh, it's a race thing," "it's a class thing," or "it's a male/female thing" without realizing that each of these elements influences the other; you'll expand on this idea as it's shown in the literature)
African-American creativity that subverts dominant White modes of thought (ways in which Black characters or individuals think and act around the blocks that White thought and society put up, as shown in the literature)
Aaron McGruder's Boondocks or other African American-written comic/graphic with social themes
African-American rap or hip-hop lyrics or album with social themes (Tupac Shakur, Sugar Hill Gang, Black Eyed Peas, etc.) -- but pick and stay with one artist
an African-American comedian's performance with a social message (Richard Pryor, Wanda Sykes, Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, etc.)
one work by a black visual artist, painter, sculptor (Betye Saar, Jeff Donaldson, Henry Osawa Tanner, Aaron Douglas, Edmonia Lewis, etc.) -- I will soon launch a webpage with example artwork from these and other artists.
Paper Due in class Monday, May 9. Do not e-mail me your paper; I accept only hard copies turned in on time. I will accept early drafts of this paper during the week of April 18-22. If you want to discuss your paper or topics with me, please make an appointment for an office visit (344 Holloway). Remember that failure to turn in the research paper will fail you from the course.