HUM 2450.001/.002
American Humanities
Summer A 2004 / section A01 M-F 10:50-12:05 a.m./section A02 M-F 12:15-1:30 p.m./P-162
Dr. Nick Melczarek
| Department phone: 395-5075 |
Office: L-216
| e-mail
(send no attachments!) |
Office hours: M&W 8:00-10:00 a.m. & by appt.
| Office phone: 395-4452 |
"I want to immerse myself in American magic and dread."
-- White Noise (Don DeLillo, 1984)
"It's very difficult to get lost in America these days."
-- The Blair Witch Project (Eduardo Sanchez & Daniel Myrick, 1999)
section A01 = TBA
section A02 = TBA
Updated Schedules (highlighted as available); these sites
overrule the paper syllabus schedule: |
This syllabus remains deliberately brief to allow flexibility to the
unpredictable needs of students. Once updates are posted online, you are
responsible for tracking due dates. To ensure that you do not miss class notes, familiarize yourself with at least two other students
-- trade 'phone numbers or e-dresses so that you have two people to contact. I
should be the last person you contact for any such information. Always consult
the online syllabus and schedule updates before asking
me any questions about assignments or the class.
»»Course Decsription and Rationale
To ask "What is an American" is deceptive: it implies a single possible answer to
something experienced by millions. Further, "is" implies that the experience
happens just once, right then, and is the same over time. Definitions and the
voices that speak them and hands that write them, however, change over time. This
course will thus ask not so much "what is an American," but rather "what has gone
into that definition over time; from what perspectives and whose experiences; how
has that definition been thought through art, architecture, and cultural
documents; and how do we see 'American' identity formation and projection going
on in culture today?"
This course follows a chronology, more or less, from early European
colonization of the Americas to the end of the Twentieth Century. In so doing, we
will trace the ongoing development and mutation of "American" identities. To
survey the broad span of cultural and artistic influences that makes up such
identities, I have deliberately and artificially segmented this course's
chronology into timed themes. I have striven not to relegate cultures and races
to their own little theme-ghettoes. Rather, by maintaining a loose chronological
flow through these themed segments, I will attempt to show how groups and ideas
influenced each other across American time and space. As we will see through
sections from Frances Pohl's Framing America, online primary sources, in-class
videos and discussion, "America" was diversely influenced and inflected from its
origins: native tribes, invading Europeans, enslaved Africans, immigrants from
the Asias and the Latin Americas, later emigrants from Europe. Women, men, and
children of numerous colors, ethnicities, religions, sexualities, classes,
languages, politics, literatures, and arts created the composite and
continually-evolving nation we live in. We cannot visit them all in detail, but
we will survey ("look out over") the highlights -- and they are numerous.
(back to Contents)
You must have an e-mail account and web access to participate in
this course. If you don't have both of these yet, obtain them
»»Chronology and Themes
I: "Discovery" & Colonization (c.1492-1616) | II: God, Devils, and Work (c.1627-1742)
III: Early Slavery (c.1773-1793) | IV: Building the "Enlightened" Republic (c. 1776-1791)
V: Defining "Americaness" (c. 1782-1831) | VI: Women Emerging (c.1845-1890)
VII: Abolition & Emancipation (c. 1845-1896) | VIII: Westward: Immigrants & Natives (c. 1839-1900)
IX: Work In Progress (c. 1900-1945)| X: Singing America In Different Voices (c. 1945-present)
(back to Contents)
»»Course Objectives
- General knowledge of the rolling history of creative "American" expression.
- Knowledge of the historical developments and contexts that comprised such expressions.
- Knowledge of specific historical documents and concepts that composed "America."
- Knowledge of key works and creative artifacts that mark "American" cultural and artistic development.
- Ability to use these works and artifacts in developed discussion of course themes.
- Ability to hold such discussions, based on such evidence, with an educated peer audience.
(back to Contents)
»»Required Texts and Materials
- Frances K. Pohl, Framing America: A Social History of American Art
- active e-mail account
- Internet access for online materials
(back to Contents)
»»Assignments & Grade Distribution (elements described below)
- 2 exams = 50% (25% each)
- 1 Final exam = 20%
- 3 U.S. Identity & Culture journals = 20%
- attendance & class participation = 10%
(back to Contents)
You will have two multiple-choice exams to evince your absorption of the general
course material (movements, works, concepts, etc). I will amass study guides
online for each exam as we progress through the semester, and e-mail you the URLs
- check this site weekly. On posted exam days, show up on time; I will not
re-show test images to late arrivals. I will allow a make-up exam ONLY in cases
of extreme emergency with documentation. You must contact me about such
instances; make-up exams must be taken within 48 hours.
(back to Contents)
»»Final Exam
You will have one final essay-question exam during final exam week, to present
the breadth of your understanding of course concepts, artworks, and primary
documents. The date for your class' final exam will be posted on the course
website by mid-term. You must take the final exam on that date. No make-ups
permitted, except in cases of extreme emergency with documentation; make-up exams
must be taken during finals week.
(back to Contents)
»»U.S. Identity and Culture Journals
at four designated times during the semester, you will turn in a journal that
discusses issues of U.S. identity and culture. For the sake of summer
convenience, I have assigned the topic for each journal, which you will find
listed on the Cultural Journal
site. One of these journals must address an artistic or cultural event, listed on
the that same site. This same site has an example journal entry. Journals must be typed/printed hard
copies -- no e-mails, disks, CDs, or hand-written journals. Journals must be
handed in at the beginning of class on the due day; journals will be penalized one letter grade
for each day late, weekends included.
(back to Contents)