IV: Building the ìEnlightenedî Republic (c.1776-1791) -- Part 1: Philosophical & Cultural Influences in the Revolutionary & Federal Periods


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Table of Contents

IV: Building the ìEnlightenedî Republic (c.1776-1791) -- Part 1: Philosophical & Cultural Influences in the Revolutionary & Federal Periods

Change in Religious Outlook -- Deism

An Ordered Universe -- Isaac Newton

Natural Rights -- John Locke

John Locke (cont.)

Order out of Chaos: NEOCLASSICISM

Neoclassicism in Stone: Federal Architecture

Neoclassical Inspirations

Andrea Palladioís stylebooks

Translation: Federal Neoclassical Architecture (Jefferson)

Further Influences on American ìEnlightenmentî Thought

ìBuilding the ëEnlightenedí Republic (Part 1)î themes, terms, concepts, artists

Author: Tina & Nick Melczarek

Email: nick.melczarek@sfcc.edu

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