ENC1102.1729 Assignments
8/24-8/31/01 (Weeks 1-2)

Assignments can be updated at needs/speed of the class; you will be notified of updates by e-mail, and are responsible for checking the page after notification.
Reading quizzes can and will occur at any time during the course. Listserve assignments/topics will be e-mailed as necessary.
»»WEEK 1 (8/22-8/24/01)
»»WEEK 2 (8/27-8/31/01) -- a considerable amount of reading for this week, so pace yourself and time-manage (read ahead) as best you can.
»» Once the listserve is running, please don't wait for an assignment to use it; it's available for you to post your questions and comments to the class at your wish.
Schedule for Weeks 3-4
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