Nick Melczarek, instructor | Department phone: 392-6650 |
Office: Turlington 4357 | e-mail
(send no attachments!) |
Office hours: MW Per 4 (10:40-11:30 a.m.) & by appt. | Office phone: t.b.a. |
"This experience of rereading a text over the course of forty years has shown me how silly those people are who say that dissecting a text and engaging in meticulous close reading is the death of its magic. Every time I pick up Sylvie, even though I know it in such an anatomical way -- perhaps because I know it so well -- I fall in love with it again, as if reading it for the first time."
-- Umberto Eco, Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (12)
Updated Schedules (highlighted as available); these sites overrule the paper syllabus schedule: |